Saturday, July 27

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment Act Explained

Despite its name, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment Act isn’t just about roads. It’s about a host of issues related to drinking water, stormwater, and the electric grid.

Surface Transportation Investment Act

Among the Surface Transportation Investment Act of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment Act (SBISS) is legislation that supports research into automated driving systems and emerging technologies. The law provides new funding for safety programs, improves transportation design, and strengthens cybersecurity protections.

Polymer Coating Solutions

Several polymer coating solutions have been developed. These solutions are used for various applications, such as corrosion resistance, elasticity, scratch resistance, and durability. They can also mask color or odor. These coatings are applied in a variety of thicknesses. They are available in sheet, lining, and coating solutions.

Resiliency and Sustainability Grants

Among the many new programs under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment Act (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) are Resiliency and Sustainability Grants. These programs are designed to improve the resilience of our transportation, water and energy infrastructure. Specifically, these grants will be used to enhance the safety and mobility of our communities, reduce air pollution, create good-paying green jobs, and protect our climate.

Climate Change

In addition to providing funding for projects addressing climate change, the new law also includes $5 billion in new grant funding for the nation’s states, tribes, and local governments. These funds will be used to enhance the reliability of the electric grid, develop critical energy technologies, build domestic supply chains for clean energy, and expand transmission capabilities. The law also authorizes the establishment of 10 Regional Centers of Excellence for Resilience and Adaptation to help coordinate and advance these efforts.

Drinking water

Providing clean drinking water is essential to human health, and there is a new law to help ensure that American families have access to clean, safe drinking water. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and it is set to be signed into law by President Joe Biden.

New Law

The new law is expected to make more than $1 trillion in public investments in America’s core infrastructure, including broadband, drinking water, and transportation networks. The bill also includes funding for a number of programs to address emerging contaminants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. It also provides funding for lead service line replacement and wastewater infrastructure projects.


Originally called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides significant federal investments to improve America’s water, wastewater, and transportation infrastructure. The law is an important tool to address the nation’s water infrastructure crisis and expand access to clean drinking water.

Critical Infrastructure

The Law provides funds to replace pipes and other critical infrastructure. It also provides funding for conservation watersheds and other water efficiency projects. In addition, it funds replacement of lead pipes, ensuring that future generations will have safe, clean drinking water.

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act

The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) is a program that offers low-cost loans and technical assistance to public water systems. The bill also provides for a Wastewater Efficiency Grant Pilot Program, which provides funding to publicly-owned treatment works.

Tunnel Construction Equipment

Various types of tunnel construction equipment are used to excavate rock and soil. A variety of methods are used, ranging from blasting to wet drilling. These methods allow the excavation to be carried out under the surface, reducing dust levels in the tunnel.

Storm water

Providing $550 billion in new spending for water infrastructure, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment Act (IIJA) passed in the U.S. House and Senate and is headed for President Joe Biden’s signature.

Its provisions include the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), which provides low interest loans to eligible projects. The law also reauthorizes several drinking water programs. It also protects millions of American families from harmful water pollutants. It will provide funding for the EPA to carry out water quality infrastructure projects.

Electric grid

Investing in the electric grid is an essential part of the nation’s infrastructure plan. It reduces energy costs, creates jobs and boosts the local, regional and national economy. It also supports the deployment of clean energy resources and helps ensure the reliability of power sector infrastructure.

The Department of Energy is working to improve the electricity grid by deploying more than $20 billion in federal financing tools. This includes three new competitive grant programs. This funding will support projects that increase the resilience of the electrical grid and enhance its flexibility.

The $2.5 billion Transmission Facilitation Program will develop nationally significant transmission lines. It can be used for projects that connect microgrids to larger corridors or to increase transmission capacity.

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